Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Have you gotten the latest iOS update yet? Or the latest version of Android? Do you have the new Galaxy? The new iPhone? How about that new Mustang, or Tesla? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Maybe you didn't even know there was a new version out, and here's why. Technology, ever since its birth, hasn't stopped changing. Everyday might not bring a new phone, but whenever you think it couldn't get any more advanced, it already has. As the iPhone 5S and 5C came out, the iPhone 6 was already a work in progress. The Galaxy S5 was an idea  turned product in the making before the Galaxy S4 came out. The Tesla, the newest and hottest electric car on the market, was a concept idea as the Honda Prius was getting all the praise. Now, electric cars have sleek style along with gas saving techniques. What I'm saying is that as long as technology is here, there will always be a new version on the way.

Technology is also a way to make life easier for us, to make the challenging things simple. You can name any challenge you want and technology will more than likely help. Let's take an amputated limb for example. Some treatments just clean up the amputated limb and send the patient on their way. That could easily be changed with today's technology. If you've seen the movie I, Robot, starring Will Smith, he has a bionic arm, which we see was the result of a near fatal car accident. If we can dream it, we can do it. A bionic arm or leg would be connected to the skin above the patient's stump and controlled by micro-electric motors, from electrical messages given off by the brain. And by learning something new everyday, a full human exoskeleton looks likely for the future. Like any new thing, it will take some getting used to, but after a while, it will be second nature.

So what I'm saying is, this combines two aspects of life that will always be in demand. Medicine, as it will always be needed as long as humans roam the Earth, and technology, the tool that is taking over the world by storm and spreading like weeds. No matter what we come up with, there will always be a better version coming soon after. And because we learn something new everyday, each thing we learn will further us in life and keep moving us forward.